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Bridging the Talent Gap for SMEs in Africa: A Game-Changer for Business Innovation and Growth

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August 16th, 2023

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of many economies. That’s a fact.   But despite their significant impact, these enterprises often face challenges due to inadequate support. Now imagine the potential economic growth if these businesses had access to the right resources! 


One of the primary obstacles SMEs face is finding and retaining exceptional talent. It's well-known that employees are vital to an organisation's success, making access to the right talent indispensable. However, due to limited resources, hiring and retaining top-tier talent becomes a formidable challenge for these organisations, creating a skills gap that can stifle innovation, limit growth, and ultimately lead to business failure if not keenly addressed.

The marketplace feature on Sync! provides a solution by granting businesses access to a pool of highly skilled talent, including developers, project managers, software testers, finance experts, and strategists, among others, on an as-needed basis. Companies can contract these individuals for short-term engagements, eliminating the stress and cost of long-term maintenance.


Another related issue is project delays caused when key employees leave mid-project. The time and resources spent to find suitable replacements can be costly to the organisation. Given the financial constraints typical of SMEs, where possible, it's essential to minimise costs, including those associated with talent sourcing. With Sync! project continuity is assured thanks to its extensive range of highly skilled professionals available on demand.

Recognising the challenges that can arise when engaging talent on an as-needed basis, Sync! offers a solution that guarantees value for money, providing businesses with reassurance and confidence in this approach. Regular employees are often held more accountable for ensuring work is completed and delivered to the highest standards and may seem like a safer bet for many businesses. However, Sync! ensures the quality of deliverables by tying payments to milestones and only releasing funds upon approval of work.

Moreover, by understanding that a project may require diverse expertise, Sync! allows companies to hire multiple individuals to work on a single project concurrently, with specific milestones assigned to each to ensure accountability. This approach minimises confusion and promotes efficient project completion.

Creativity and innovation are vital in today's economy, making access to top talent non-negotiable for businesses aiming for growth. With Sync! companies can prioritise the acquisition of high-calibre professionals to catalyse their business operations while staying within budget constraints.

Solve your talent problems with Sync!


Africa.com. (2023). Opportunities and challenges of operating a small business in Africa. Retrieved from Africa.com: https://www.africa.com/opportunities-and-challenges-of-operating-a-small-business-in-africa/

Kalidas, S. Magwentshu, N. Rajagopaul, A. (2020). How South African SMEs can survive and thrive post-Covid-19. Retrieved from McKinsey & Company:https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/middle-east-and-africa/how-south-african-smes-can-survive-and-thrive-post-covid-19

Runde, D. Savoy, C. Staguhn, J. (2021). Supporting small and medium enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa through blended finance. Retrieved from CSIS (Centre for Strategic & Innovation Studies):https://www.csis.org/analysis/supporting-small-and-medium-enterprises-sub-saharan-africa-through-blended-finance

Ackah, J. Vuvor, Sylvester. (2011) The Challenges Faced by Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Obtaining Credit in Ghana.  Retrieved from Diva portal:https://www.divaportal.org/smash/get/diva2:829684/FULLTEXT01.pdf

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